
Without a home since Dec. 2024

Spot is a 5 year old male Hound mix who is 76 lbs. He is in foster and great with cats, LOVES to cuddle on a bed or couch and has been blossoming into an amazing dog.

More details to come….

Hound dog, adopt a dog, rescue dog, Dallas, DFW, Carrollton, Fort Worth

Hound dog, adopt a dog, rescue dog, Dallas, DFW, Carrollton, Fort Worth, brown and white dog, dog sniffing glowers, dog outside, cute dog, dog with red leash

Hound dog, adopt a dog, rescue dog, Dallas, DFW, Carrollton, Fort Worth

Hound dog, adopt a dog, rescue dog, Dallas, DFW, Carrollton, Fort Worth, brown and white dog, dog sniffing glowers, dog outside, cute dog, dog with red leash

Hound dog, adopt a dog, rescue dog, Dallas, DFW, Carrollton, Fort Worth

Hound dog, adopt a dog, rescue dog, Dallas, DFW, Carrollton, Fort Worth, brown and white dog, dog laying on tan carpet, cute dog

Hound dog, adopt a dog, rescue dog, Dallas, DFW, Carrollton, Fort Worth

Hound dog, adopt a dog, rescue dog, Dallas, DFW, Carrollton, Fort Worth, brown and white dog, dog standing on outside balcony, cute dog

Hound dog, adopt a dog, rescue dog, Dallas, DFW, Carrollton, Fort Worth

Hound dog, adopt a dog, rescue dog, Dallas, DFW, Carrollton, Fort Worth, brown and white dog, dog laying on comfortable grey chair, dog asleep

Hound dog, adopt a dog, rescue dog, Dallas, DFW, Carrollton, Fort Worth

Hound dog, adopt a dog, rescue dog, Dallas, DFW, Carrollton, Fort Worth, brown and white dog, dog laying on comfortable grey chair

Hound dog, adopt a dog, rescue dog, Dallas, DFW, Carrollton, Fort Worth

Hound dog, adopt a dog, rescue dog, Dallas, DFW, Carrollton, Fort Worth, brown and white dog, dog standing on turf

Hound dog, adopt a dog, rescue dog, Dallas, DFW, Carrollton, Fort Worth

Hound dog, adopt a dog, rescue dog, Dallas, DFW, Carrollton, Fort Worth, brown and white dog, dog on walk

Hound dog, adopt a dog, rescue dog, Dallas, DFW, Carrollton, Fort Worth

Hound dog, adopt a dog, rescue dog, Dallas, DFW, Carrollton, Fort Worth, brown and white dog, dog with red harness, dog on walk

Hound dog, adopt a dog, rescue dog, Dallas, DFW, Carrollton, Fort Worth

Hound dog, adopt a dog, rescue dog, Dallas, DFW, Carrollton, Fort Worth, dog standing on concrete, brown and white dog

Hound dog, adopt a dog, rescue dog, Dallas, DFW, Carrollton, Fort Worth

Hound dog, adopt a dog, rescue dog, Dallas, DFW, Carrollton, Fort Worth, dog laying on floor in shelter, sad dog, dog in shelter

Hound dog, adopt a dog, rescue dog, Dallas, DFW, Carrollton, Fort Worth

Hound dog, adopt a dog, rescue dog, Dallas, DFW, Carrollton, Fort Worth, dog riding in car, sick dog

Hound dog, adopt a dog, rescue dog, Dallas, DFW, Carrollton, Fort Worth

Hound dog, adopt a dog, rescue dog, Dallas, DFW, Carrollton, Fort Worth, sick dog, dog riding in car

Hound dog, adopt a dog, rescue dog, Dallas, DFW, Carrollton, Fort Worth

Hound dog, adopt a dog, rescue dog, Dallas, DFW, Carrollton, Fort Worth, dog laying on ground, dog in outside kennel at shelter



